Mini Pancake Cereal

By Alexandrea Garza
 July 29, 2020    |     

I wanted to try out a bunch of recipes from different TikTok videos- and they were so good! This one for mini pancake cereal was so easy and so good! It is like you are making pancakes but lots of mini ones. There are also so many different toppings you can add to your mini pancakes that would be fun to try. Kids really love this recipe too. Here is the recipe for the mini pancake cereal!

Here is What you Need for Mini Pancake Cereal

Pancake mix of your choice (Birch Benders is what we use)

Cooking oil (or butter)

Empty condiment bottle (try this one from amazon)

Pan or griddle



Toppings of your choice

The How To’s

  1. Prepare your pancake mix according to the directions on the box. You don’t want it too runny or it won’t set well.
  2. Heat a pan on the stove and add some cooking oil.
  3. While pan is heating, pour your batter into the empty condiment bottle . Alternatively, use a ziplock bag: cut a tiny hole on an angle in the bottom corner of the bag to pipe out the batter.
  4. Then, squeeze small dots of batter onto your greased pan. You will cook until the tops form bubbles and look set/dry. Flip and cook on the other side.
  5. Put them in a bowl and top with syrup, agave, butter, or fruit (really any topping of your choice)
  6. Enjoy!!

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