How To: Matcha Latte

By Alexandrea Garza
 June 30, 2020    |     

I have been really excited to perfect my matcha latte recipe. From looking online, to asking all of you, I think I finally found a great way to make it! Here is how I make my matcha latte:

Products I Used to Make my Matcha Latte

  1. Ceremonial Matcha – using ceremonial grade matcha really makes the latte! I use this one.
  2. Mugs I love the clear walled glasses. These are from William Sonoma but these other mugs are nice from Amazon too!
  3. Sifter– This sifter is one of my Amazon Kitchen Essentials. It really comes in handy when making celery juice, sauces, and obviously matcha!
  4. Blender-I really love our vitamix blender – it has been a great blender and makes things so smooth. If you want one that is at a lower price-point try this one!

What You Need for a Matcha Latte

Makes 1 cup

  •  Coconut Milk
  • 1 Tsp of ceremonial grade matcha
  •  Cinnamon
  •  Honey

The How To’s (It’s Pretty Easy)

  1. First, froth your coconut milk with a frother.
  2. Then, pour in the matcha powder through a sifter (I use this one from Amazon) into a blender. This makes it really smooth.
  3. Next, add in a dash of cinnamon and small squeeze of honey.
  4. Blend all these ingredients together!
  5. Enjoy!

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