Fun Whipped Coffee Recipe

By Alexandrea Garza
 May 5, 2020    |      ,

We Made a Whipped Coffee Recipe!

Whipped coffee is such a fun treat for the morning and a great way to mix up your coffee routine! You can watch our entire vlog making the fun whipped coffee recipe here! We tried it a few different ways in the video while with my parents. This was a really tasty recipe and pretty easy to do. It seems to work best when you do it one serving at a time. We tried it hand whisking the mixture and with a frother. But there are so many ways you could do it, so have fun with it and make it your own. A tip: the more you stir and whisk, the more thick it will get! It reminds us of coffee flavored ice cream- I know-YUM!

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Here is What You Need To Make Whipped Coffee

Ingredients to Make Whipped Coffee

Now Here’s How to Make the Whipped Coffee Recipe

To start, take the hot water, instant coffee, and sugar and combine them into a bowl.

Now, you’ll use a mixer to combine all the ingredients. You can use either an electric whisker, hand whisker, or even an electric mixer. You will want to continue this for around 5 minutes or until the mixture becomes fluffy and lighter.

Lastly, fill up your coffee cup with your milk of choice and ice, and then scoop out a spoonful or two onto the top of the milk and ice!

We found it tastes best when you mix it up! But definitely take your insta pics before!

Enjoy this sweet treat! We hope you enjoyed this fun whipped coffee recipe!

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